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Tai-Shung Chung院士做客第512期化苑讲坛

作者:  发布:2021-10-08 14:44:34  点击量:

报告题目: Advanced Polymer Membranes For Clean & Renewable Energy

人: Tai-Shung Chung院士

报告时间: 20211013日(星期三)15:00-16:00

报告地点: 东三楼321会议室(报告人线上作报告)

人: 王艳教授

报告人简介: Tai-Shung Chung,博士,国立台湾科技大学荣誉教授、玉山学者。新加坡工程院院士、美国化学工程学会会士(AIChE Fellow)和亚太材料科学院院士(Asia Pacific Academy of Materials Fellow)。1973年于台湾中原大学获学士学位,1981年于美国纽约州立大学获博士学位。1980-1993年先后在美国Hoechst Celanese Corp.公司担任研究工程师、高级研究工程师、副研究员、研究员;1993-1995年在美国Aeroquip Corp.公司任咨询工程师。1995年起在新加坡国立大学化学与环境工程系担任副教授,于2001年晋升教授。Chung教授是国际膜分离领域的著名科学家,先后获国际脱盐协会(International Desalination AssociationIDA)水再生和水资源保护优异奖(2016);Elsevier化学工程、材料科学与工程领域高被引科学家(2016);新加坡总统科技奖(2015);英国化学工程师学会(Institute of Chemical EngineersIChemEUKUnderwood奖(2015);美国化学工程学(AIChE)新加坡杰出科研奖(2015);全球创新奖,TechConnect2014, USA);英国化学工程师学会(IChemE, UK)新加坡可持续发展杰出和创新奖(2010)。在国际知名期刊上发表700余篇论文,出版1本专著和26本专著的部分章节,拥有70多项授权专利。Chung教授是在国际权威膜科学期刊J. Membr. Sci.上发表论文最多的科学家。Chung教授研究成果被引用37512次(Scopus)(20197月),H因子为98,是Clarivate Analytics的高被引学者(2018)。目前担任J. Membr. Sci.AICHE J20种国际期刊的编委。

报告摘要: Clean water, clean energy, global warming and affordable healthcare are four major concerns globally resulting from clean water shortages, high fluctuations of oil prices, climate changes and high costs of  healthcare. Clean water and public health are also highly related, while clean energy is essential for sustainable prosperity. Among many potential solutions, advances in membrane technology are one of the most direct,  effective and feasible approaches to solve these sophisticated issues. Membrane technology is a fully integrated science and engineering which consists of materials science and engineering, chemistry and chemical engineering, separation and purification phenomena, environmental science and sustainability, statistical mechanics-based molecular simulation, process and product design. In this presentation, we will introduce our efforts on membrane R&D for clean and renewable energy in terms of hydrogen, natural gas, biofuel and osmotic power generation. In the beginning, we will introduce the importance of this research, then talk about the membrane research for (1) H2 and CH4 separation, (2) pervaporation of biofuel and (3) osmotic power generation. Various material and fabrication strategies to enhance membrane performance will be discussed.

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